about ihbcu

ihbcu offers licensed collegiate lifestyle products to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBI) alumni, fans, and friends. A portion of every sale supports HBCUs via royalty payments and HBCU alumni via the ihbcu foundation.  ihbcu is owned and operated by proud HBCU alumni.

Our name, ihbcu, was created with the intention to denote and evoke ownership of and alignment with the HBCU experience. If you envision HBCU as a verb, I hbcu will express an action.  When an alumni, student, friend, or fan hbcus they are living out the proud and cherished HBCU experience. The 'i" in the logo is dotted with a heart as an expression of our love of that HBCU experience.  

ihbcu seeks to be a part of your HBCU experience by providing a variety of quality merchandise that fits into your lifestyle.